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Pupil Progress Tracking Spreadsheet

Pupil Progress Tracking Spreadsheet

This tool allows anyone - teacher, phase leader, SLT - to track the termly progress of pupils in different classes. There are 3 data drops: Autumn, Spring and Summer. On each tab, it asks the class teacher for: Summary of interventions: What worked and what didn’t? Which children, despite specific intervention being in place, do not appear to be making significant progress? **Identify those children highlighted during the Appraisal process requiring accelerated progress (KS1 data) to be made and reflect upon the progress they have made since September. ** **How are your Pupil Premium children and children with SEN performing? ** Percentages estimated at the end of the year I have put in formulas so percentages are worked out automatically. Obviously, this form can be edited to suit your school.
Fun Logo Quiz - 14 in total! End of year / Leavers / Year 6 / KS1 / KS2 / KS3 / KS4

Fun Logo Quiz - 14 in total! End of year / Leavers / Year 6 / KS1 / KS2 / KS3 / KS4

Towards the end of lockdown 2020/2021, I made some logo quizzes for my year 6 pupils, where each letter from the word is a logo and the children had to guess - they loved it! There are 14 words altogether, with answers on the next slide! The words are: Year Six Logo Quiz Building Wash Hands Together Key Workers Sanitiser Rainbows Thank You NHS High School Class of 2020 Growing Up 1 More Day Farewell Some are ‘lockdown’ themed, others are ‘leavers’ themed, but fun nonetheless!!